** MOST IMPORTANT THING ** – establish a date with your joint masters for a day of hunting designated as a Junior Qualifier. It should be a regular day of hunting on the schedule, or it can be designated a “junior day,” which some hunts do. Share your date with local hunts and pony clubs on Facebook, your hunt’s website, etc. - You may also want to create a flyer (samples below).
This event is designed for Junior riders, 18 years old and younger, on fox hunting ponies or appropriate hunt horses. The date for eligibility for the 2025 finals is August 1, 2024, at which time the junior should be 18 years of age or younger.
Our emphasis is on the junior rider and their pony or horse. The fox hunting mount and proper turnout are important, but its suitability for the young rider is of utmost importance. We hope the children, the future of our hunting sport, will come out for a great day of hunting, meet new friends, see new country, and realize how important our countryside is, and do their best to protect it for their future generations.
On a given day of hunting, children are expected to arrive with clean pony and tack and proper turnout for the rider. Braiding is discouraged (this is not a horse show). They should complete an entry form (attached below), signed by their parent/guardian, and the appropriate hunt waiver.
There will be adult judges, in each field - Hilltopper (which is really a Second Field - must be able to WTC safely) and First Field. The First Field division is divided between 13 & under and 14-18. The Hilltoppers are divided into two groups – 10 & under and 11-18. The juniors should wear some sort of identifier, such as back numbers, so the judges may see them easily in the fields. Judges can be members of neighboring hunts or members of your own hunt, as long as they are not judging their own children. The juniors may ride anywhere in the field as long as the judges may see them, and the field masters approve…sometimes they are invited to ride up front on this particular day of hunting.
At the end of the day’s hunting, the judges will review their notes and decide which pairs - rider & mount - qualify for the finals, which is hosted by a different hunt each year. The date is posted on, as well as FB and Instagram. In addition to the qualifier, the juniors must complete the criteria on the Junior Log, which should also be submitted with their entries for the finals.
Rosettes are sent to each hunt hosting a qualifier, which are awarded to those who qualify. It is nice to provide a tailgate or bring-to-share and have some social time afterwards – time for the children to get to know each other especially if they do not ride together all the time.
Below is a copy of the criteria for judging juniors, an entry form and the junior log.
Please contact Carla Babcock at 513-207-2778 or [email protected] with any questions, and to post your qualifier date, and send results….THANK YOU!!
Below are some criteria which have been established for judges to keep in mind while riding/hunting with their field of juniors. It's not all-encompassing, but fairly broad, rather than too specific – keep in mind this is not a “Horse Show” – but rather a junior rider & horse pair, which exhibit suitability, safety and etiquette in the hunt field. (Sometimes judges will bring their own voice note-taking/recording device).
Sometimes there is something which stands out - good or bad - for instance if a junior pulls up at a jump or seems to run out and circle, because the horse in front of them is having a problem, that may be the best judgement at that particular time, and they would not be penalized. On the other hand, if a horse's refusal causes a problem for others, it may be that the pair is unsuited for the job. The plan is to have at least 2 judges for each field so pairs of judges can compare notes with each other....I hope this all makes sense.
Most Qualifiers have 1-2 judges per field, the finals will have 3 - 5 judges per field, depending on the size of the group.
There are 4 divisions:
Hilltopper 10 & under Hilltopper 11 to 18 First field 13 & under First field 14 to 18
Typical Finals weekend tentative schedule
Friday: Live Hunt – juniors, judges and outriders only, followed by a hunt tea.
Horn Blowing & Whip Cracking contests
Saturday: Final Test – Top 10 in each division, selected by the judges– 6-8 questions/obstacles
Hound Judging contest, followed by awards and dinner in the evening.
Sunday: Hunt with host hunt possible (Sunday or sometimes Thursday before competition)
** Riding Skills/Judgement
Safety (crosses ditches/streams, handles down hills), off the horse’s back at a gallop/going up hills; handles a refusal or sticky situation well. Knows what to do with staff coming through; can execute a walking reverse if necessary.
** Suitability
Size and behavior of horse relative to size and ability of rider; not “over-mounted”
** Etiquette/Manners
Not passing others; no talking; no tailgating
** Gates
Offer to open gates; efficiency of opening and closing gates; catch up to field quickly without disruption.
** Hounds
Quiet while hounds are working; gives way to hounds; mount respects hounds.
** Neat/Tidy
No braiding or formal “show” attire, Ratcatcher - well turned-out; mount appears well cared for.
The file below includes all the necessary forms and sample flyers.
- Establish a hunt date with your joint masters
- Secure one or two judges for each division, depending on how many juniors you anticipate attending – preferably from outside of your hunt
- Create an ad/flyer (optional) – send to Carla for inclusion in the schedule on FB and website
- Complete Entry Forms and Waivers on the day of qualifying hunt
- "Junior Log" - each junior should receive if they do not have one's also available online.
- Have juniors wear back numbers or arm bands so judges can see them in the fields
- Ride – hunt – have fun!
- Judges deliberate
- Present Rosettes to Juniors who qualify – Carla will send these to each hunt
- Eat some good food and socialize/reminisce about the day’s fun!
- Send results sheet to Carla – either by email or snail mail
- Possible alternative options - co-host a qualifier with another hunt, Pony Club; qualify juniors individually if family and/or kids schedules do not allow them to attend on a planned date
** MOST IMPORTANT THING ** – establish a date with your joint masters for a day of hunting designated as a Junior Qualifier. It should be a regular day of hunting on the schedule, or it can be designated a “junior day,” which some hunts do. Share your date with local hunts and pony clubs on Facebook, your hunt’s website, etc. - You may also want to create a flyer (samples below).
This event is designed for Junior riders, 18 years old and younger, on fox hunting ponies or appropriate hunt horses. The date for eligibility for the 2025 finals is August 1, 2024, at which time the junior should be 18 years of age or younger.
Our emphasis is on the junior rider and their pony or horse. The fox hunting mount and proper turnout are important, but its suitability for the young rider is of utmost importance. We hope the children, the future of our hunting sport, will come out for a great day of hunting, meet new friends, see new country, and realize how important our countryside is, and do their best to protect it for their future generations.
On a given day of hunting, children are expected to arrive with clean pony and tack and proper turnout for the rider. Braiding is discouraged (this is not a horse show). They should complete an entry form (attached below), signed by their parent/guardian, and the appropriate hunt waiver.
There will be adult judges, in each field - Hilltopper (which is really a Second Field - must be able to WTC safely) and First Field. The First Field division is divided between 13 & under and 14-18. The Hilltoppers are divided into two groups – 10 & under and 11-18. The juniors should wear some sort of identifier, such as back numbers, so the judges may see them easily in the fields. Judges can be members of neighboring hunts or members of your own hunt, as long as they are not judging their own children. The juniors may ride anywhere in the field as long as the judges may see them, and the field masters approve…sometimes they are invited to ride up front on this particular day of hunting.
At the end of the day’s hunting, the judges will review their notes and decide which pairs - rider & mount - qualify for the finals, which is hosted by a different hunt each year. The date is posted on, as well as FB and Instagram. In addition to the qualifier, the juniors must complete the criteria on the Junior Log, which should also be submitted with their entries for the finals.
Rosettes are sent to each hunt hosting a qualifier, which are awarded to those who qualify. It is nice to provide a tailgate or bring-to-share and have some social time afterwards – time for the children to get to know each other especially if they do not ride together all the time.
Below is a copy of the criteria for judging juniors, an entry form and the junior log.
Please contact Carla Babcock at 513-207-2778 or [email protected] with any questions, and to post your qualifier date, and send results….THANK YOU!!
Below are some criteria which have been established for judges to keep in mind while riding/hunting with their field of juniors. It's not all-encompassing, but fairly broad, rather than too specific – keep in mind this is not a “Horse Show” – but rather a junior rider & horse pair, which exhibit suitability, safety and etiquette in the hunt field. (Sometimes judges will bring their own voice note-taking/recording device).
Sometimes there is something which stands out - good or bad - for instance if a junior pulls up at a jump or seems to run out and circle, because the horse in front of them is having a problem, that may be the best judgement at that particular time, and they would not be penalized. On the other hand, if a horse's refusal causes a problem for others, it may be that the pair is unsuited for the job. The plan is to have at least 2 judges for each field so pairs of judges can compare notes with each other....I hope this all makes sense.
Most Qualifiers have 1-2 judges per field, the finals will have 3 - 5 judges per field, depending on the size of the group.
There are 4 divisions:
Hilltopper 10 & under Hilltopper 11 to 18 First field 13 & under First field 14 to 18
Typical Finals weekend tentative schedule
Friday: Live Hunt – juniors, judges and outriders only, followed by a hunt tea.
Horn Blowing & Whip Cracking contests
Saturday: Final Test – Top 10 in each division, selected by the judges– 6-8 questions/obstacles
Hound Judging contest, followed by awards and dinner in the evening.
Sunday: Hunt with host hunt possible (Sunday or sometimes Thursday before competition)
** Riding Skills/Judgement
Safety (crosses ditches/streams, handles down hills), off the horse’s back at a gallop/going up hills; handles a refusal or sticky situation well. Knows what to do with staff coming through; can execute a walking reverse if necessary.
** Suitability
Size and behavior of horse relative to size and ability of rider; not “over-mounted”
** Etiquette/Manners
Not passing others; no talking; no tailgating
** Gates
Offer to open gates; efficiency of opening and closing gates; catch up to field quickly without disruption.
** Hounds
Quiet while hounds are working; gives way to hounds; mount respects hounds.
** Neat/Tidy
No braiding or formal “show” attire, Ratcatcher - well turned-out; mount appears well cared for.
The file below includes all the necessary forms and sample flyers.

hosting_a_jnafhc_qualifier_2025.pdf | |
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