Hilltopper 10 & Under
Champion - Layla Heyworth - Bush Park Cayenne Pepper - Deep Run Hunt
Reserve Champion - Ansley Daniel - Butch Cassidy - Old Dominion Hounds & ODH Pony Club
3rd - Laney Howard - Flicker - Rolling Rock Hunt & RRH Pony Club
4th - Hinton Paschal - Doodles - Moore County Hounds
5th - Porter Pfister - When it Reins it Poe's (Poe) - Iroquois Hunt
6th - Tristan Gainey - Willow - Mecklenburg Hounds
7th - Cora Gans - Zig Zag - Long Run Woodford Hounds & Bluegrass Pony Club
8th - Elizabeth Dunlap - Ball Park Frank - Iroquois Hunt & LRWH & Bluegrass Pony Club
9th - Athena Nicely - Cannon - Tennessee Valley Hunt & Tennessee Valley Hunt PC II
Hilltopper 11-18
Champion - Mary Brooks McElheney - Belle Meade Hunt
Reserve Champion - Andrew Blagg - River - Belle Meade Hunt
3rd - Catie Rae Crane - Vegas - Live Oak Hounds & Live Oak Hounds Pony Club
4th - Penny Conlon - Jewelweed - Goshen Hounds & Redland Goshen Pony Club
5th - Reagan Draper - Charlie - Camden Hunt
6th - Posey Cleveland - Beretta - Live Oak Hounds & New Shropshire Pony Club
7th - Ali Vargo - Pildora - Rolling Rock Hunt Pony Club
First Field 13 & Under
Champion - CaraLyn Daniel - Tornado Tex - Old Dominion Hounds & ODH Pony Club
Reserve Champion - Avery Wismer - Ascend - Iroquois Hunt
3rd - Sanders Miller - Oak Fields Gold Finch - Farmington Hunt
4th - Bella Henry - Flynn - Midland Foxhounds
5th - Zsa Zsa Beauchene - Chase - Tennessee Valley Hunt & Tennessee Valley Hunt PC II
6th - Callie Hill - Lana - Fort Leavenworth Hunt
7th - Ruby Veeneman - Marley - Hamilton Hunt Pony Club
First Field 14-18
Champion - Caroline Hickman - Ide Love Lucy - Belle Meade Hunt
Reserve Champion - Lily McKee - Charlie Horse - Thornton Hill Hounds
3rd - Neilly Dozier - Seven - Belle Meade Hunt
4th - Caldwell Pfister - Landy - Iroquois Hunt
5th - Tasha VanLenthe - Bruce - Wellington Waterloo Hunt
6th - Ruby Dozier - Luna - Belle Meade Hunt
7th - Samantha Manning - Good Luck Molly - Snickerville Hounds
8th - Alayna Myers - Jameson - Belle Meade Hunt
9th - Lily Comer-Taylor - Willow - Sedgefield Hunt & Yadkin Valley Hounds PC
10th - Sam Dozier - Belle Meade Hunt
Sportsmanship - Briar Callon - Hamilton Hunt & Hamilton Hunt PC
Horn Blowing - Sam Dozier - Belle Meade Hunt
Whip Cracking - Zsa Zsa Beauchene - Tennessee Valley Hunt & TVH PC II
Hound Judging - Penny Conlon - Goshen Hounds & Redland Goshen PC
Best Turned Out - Ruby Dozier - Belle Meade Hunt
U.S. Pony Club High Point Juniors
Hilltopper 10 & under - Ansley Daniel - Old Dominion Hounds & ODH Pony Club
Hilltopper 11-18 - Catie Rae Crane - Live Oak Hounds & Live Oak Hounds PC
First Field 13 & under - CaraLyn Daniel - Old Dominion Hounds & ODH Pony Club
First Field 14-18 - Lily Comer-Taylor - Sedgefield Hunt & Yadkin Valley Hounds PC
Representing the JNAFHC
at the Theodora A. Randolph Field Hunter Championship
FF 14-18 Champion - Caroline Hickman & Ide Love Lucy - Belle Meade Hunt
FF 14-18 Reserve Champion - Lily McKee & Charlie Horse - Thornton Hill Hounds